Learn How To Maintain And Repair Your Car While It Is Under Warranty

When you purchase a car from a dealer, it is important to find out the specifics about your warranty agreement. There are many people who assume that their car is covered under the warranty from the time they purchase the car until the end of the warranty period, no matter what, but that is not the case at all. The guide below walks you through a few things you need to know about maintaining a warranty from a dealer.

Preventative Maintenance Is Required

When you buy a car from a car dealership, you are required to maintain the car with a specific maintenance program. You have to bring the car to the dealership or a mechanic who is approved by the dealership to have the maintenance done. You have to pay for the maintenance that is done when it is done, so it is important to plan for those costs ahead of time. If you do not follow the specific maintenance schedule, your warranty will no longer be valid and useful to you.

Repairs Need to Be Made at the Approved Repair Shops

There may be times when mechanical issues arise with the car. You want to take the car to an authorized mechanic at a shop like Western Avenue Nissan to have the work done and the issues addressed as soon as possible. If the mechanic you take the car to is not approved by the car dealership, you could end up paying for all repairs on your own, and your warranty could become null and void because the dealership cannot guarantee work that has been done by another mechanic.

Damage Done During an Accident Must be Reported

When you have a car that is covered under a warranty, you have to report any accidents the car is in to the dealership right away. You need to get an accident report from the police to provide to the dealership. This allows them to maintain an accident record on the vehicle and know what repairs need to be done to maintain the vehicle and which are done to repair the vehicle after an accident.

It is important to contact your dealership if you have any questions about the warranty to make sure that you do everything that is required of you. You will have to make all of the appointments on your own because the dealership will not make the appointments for you.
